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Celsi Fires Now in the UK

Celsi fires have now been released in the UK, with great reviews all over, the new technology is virtually a computer pretening to be a fire, with clean looks and great prices they are bound to be a hit.More…

Sunday 16 October 2011

it is a legal requirement to fit a carbon monoxide alarm with woodburning or multifuel stove

As of 1st October 2010 it became a legal requirement as per Document J of the Building Regulations that where a new or replacement fixed solid fuel appliance is installed in a dwelling, a carbon monoxide alarm should be provided in the room the appliance is located. It is also strongly recommended that a carbon monoxide alarm is fitted where you have any gas appliances, such as boilers, cookers and fires. 
The SF450EN Carbon Monoxide Alarm from Honeywell Analytics is one of the best selling alarms in Europe; it is recommended by HETAS and is used by a number of local authorities and housing associations across the UK. In December 2010 it was awarded "Safety Product of the Decade" by the Gas Industry Safety Group. The self-contained alarm is designed for use in all domestic environments including caravans and boats, with a 6.5 year life.
Why choose the SF450EN Carbon Monoxide Alarm:
6 year guaranteed life under normal operating conditions (including batteries)
Kitemarked and approved to EN50291:2001 (European Standard for domestic carbon monoxide alarms)
Continuous self test function
No sensors to replace
No mains power required
No maintenance required for full 6.5 year life of the alarm
Easy to fit using the fixing kit provided
Batteries provided and pre-fitted