Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne has recently announced plans to introduce regulations ensuring that landlords would face minimum energy efficiency standards under the Green Deal.
Under the proposals, from April 2016 landlords will not be able to refuse reasonable requests from tenants to improve their property.
From April 2018 the government will make it unlawful to rent out a house or business premise with less than an E energy efficiency rating.
At least 682,000 properties will have to be improved as a result of the new proposals.
The Green Deal is the coalition’s national plan of home improvements to make houses and businesses cheaper to run through better energy efficiency.
From 2012, people will be able to access finance to pay for the upfront cost of work which will be paid back through savings on lower fuel bills.
The government believes the proposals will help the most vulnerable as more than a quarter of a million of the worst insulated rented homes are classed as fuel poor.
Huhne said: “Our proposals provide a voice for tenants living in poorly insulated, draughty homes. The Green Deal is a win-win opportunity for landlords by removing the upfront cost of work to upgrade the property, making it cheaper to run, more environmentally friendly and ultimately more attractive to rent.
“For those landlords who don’t take up the Green Deal, then we will get tough so that by 2018 the poorest performing rented housing stock is brought up to a decent standard.”
This is great news for the increasing number of people renting because they simply cannot afford to get onto the property ladder yet. I certainly have experienced the disappointment of signing a contract to rent a property in summer and then having to pay over the odds to heat it during the winter due to inefficient heating.