Verine are not content with the amazing success they have already received from their amazing decorative hole in the wall fire, and with a tremendous amount of requests, they have now bought out the Atina fire as a glass fronted high efficiency fire.
The Verine Atina High Efficiency (HE) Fire is glass fronted, like most HE fires, and boasts an impressive 77% efficiency rating, that is incredible for this size and type of fire.
The HE version boasts all of the stunning looks and has equally as much design appeal as its predecessors, however it has a glass front and generates a maximum heat output of 3.5kW where as previous models could not accurately give an output measurement, thus were decorative only, but the new high efficiency model is a massive improvement.

This stunning stylish fire is available in a mains natural gas version or a liquid propane gas version and can be set within a traditional chimney or class two prefabricated flue.

Truly a most impressive gas fire that will captivate viewers of it's beauty making them envious of the home owners style and decadence. Verine Atina High Efficiency fires are only available from reputable suppliers and are sure to be one of the largest selling gas fires in 2011.