Allwood fireplaces, as the name suggests, offer a wide range of fireplaces of good quality, but, they also provide a selection of electric inset fires too. These electric fires come in four main designs, (Dorset, Firenza, Sicilian and Tiffany), and most designs offer a selection of finishes or fuel bed effects and lighting. Allwood electric inset fires all have a two kilowatt maximum heat output and either have a modern/traditional or modern/contemporary feel.
Another unique feature of the Allwood fires is they all have curved screens to aid the viewing of the stylish flame effect. Allwood Fireplaces can therefore supply the complete fireplace, back panel and hearth sets, and fire. All made of high quality and available at the lowest possible price just insure there is a thirteen amp plug socket available upon installation if you wish to use the fire

Allwood Fireplaces also supply a range of hang on the wall or HOW electric fires which are produced with all the skill and precision as any other products they produce. The Hang on the wall electric fires come with an array of finishes and fuel effects and is well worth a look at.
An example of the quality of these hang on wall fireplaces would be the Allwood Treviso Landscape electric fire. This electric fire is stylishly designed and comes in a choice of finishes. The Treviso Landscape electric fire also has a choice of fuel bed effects including pebble, driftwood and coal. To set itself above the rest the Treviso landscape has a 2kW maximum heat output, with the option to set the output at 1kW or just on the flame setting. And what a flame setting, this Treviso landscape fire has a most beautiful and realistic flame effect, which will draw the eye towards the fire, and chosen realistic fuel effect and modern stylish frame.
Allwood fireplaces have designed this fire to be able to be fixed to most internal walls, once the position of the fire has been decided then simply attach the fixings to the wall, the fire then fits onto the wall fixings hiding them from view and creating a flawless finish to the fire. No inset depth is required and additional ventilation is not usually required. Another benefit of the Allwood Treviso Landscape is it has been designed so it is suitable to fit beneath a television, not all HOW fires allow this. The Allwood Treviso Landscape electric fire is manually controlled as standard but is available with a remote control.
Allwood Fireplaces have made a fantastic range of hang on the wall electric fires and having supplied flexible options and finishes so the ideal look can be created whatever the taste. Well done for letting the consumer have some real choice.
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