Saturday, 27 August 2011

Will my fire fit? Flat wall, chimneys and fireplace rebate explained

What is a Fireplace Surround Rebate?

Understanding the fireplace rebate you require is central to ensuring your fireplace will fit your required application.

Essentially all you need to work out is the depth needed to fully recess you fire against your flat wall or in your chimney recess.

If the fireplace is being fitted against a flat wall then the full depth of the fire needs to be recessed within the fire surround. However, if the fire surround is being fitted against a chimney then the depth of the fire can be recessed within the cavity of the chimney.

Rebate Explained:

The rebate is the distance from the back of the wall to the front of the panel. To work out the fire recess, you subtract the rebate by 20mm to accommodate the thickness of the panel. Hence 100mm rebate gives you 80mm fire recess depth (100mm -20mm for the back panel).

The below video helps explain everything with images and certainly should you get your head around what a Fireplace Rebate Is.